Wednesday, June 10, 2015

AYD 2015 Series #6 No Is Nothing But A Yes From Somebody Else

By J.Naomi

You’re getting all your plans together and suddenly you hit a roadblock. Someone tells you that they cannot help you out or that you will not be able to get the service or item you need to achieve your goals.


Well don’t think about throwing in the towel now. You have come a long way. It’s like the saying, “One monkey don’t stop no show!” There are a number of reasons why people will tell you they can’t help you or try to convince you to stop. When people say no to you at a time when you need help it is because they have already formed an opinion if you will succeed in your efforts. Typically, this measurement of your success is a comparison to their experiences and limitations. A typical well it did not work for me so it will not work for you type of attitude.

Do not be discouraged or get hung up on that closed door. There is more than one way to do the things you are trying to do. You may hear one hundred no’s before you get a yes. Hold on to the idea though that there will eventually be a yes and you will pull through. The sun is always brightest after the rain!

You must train your brain to cancel out the no’s. It is easier than you think. This is when those easy theater classes you took as an elective in college come in handy. A great trick is to lead your mind into thinking that when someone says no what they are really saying is, “I don’t want to help you, due to my own lack of ability, however there are a ton of people that will!” And it is true. There are people who want to help you because they need your help in return. It is just up to you to find them.

Remember a while back when I was saying that you are the only one who sees your vision for your plan. Well in order to make people believers you have to produce results. When you ask for help and you are just starting to put things together others, especially strangers, have no example of what you are capable of. The best way to combat this lack of interpersonal relation is to find businesses or services that can use your expertise, product or connections in return. Sometimes you have to play let’s make a deal.

Now, not everyone is good at games. If give and take is not your forte try good ole fashion persistence. Don’t tell the boys but I love persistence! As obnoxious as persistence can be your persistence says a lot about your drive and ambition. It shows how dedicated you are to your project or cause. If people see your tenacity and positive attitude, even after being rejected, they will begin to believe in your dream. This applies for people who have worked hard for their success.

Another way to acquire more yes’s over no’s is to meet people who may be beneficial in the future and STAY IN TOUCH! You never know what bridges you may need to cross to get to the other side of success. If you burn your bridges then you leave yourself with limited options of getting to the next level. If the one way is a no go than you must create your own way making the journey more difficult.

I want you to know that there are so many people all over the world. Don’t put things on hold because someone says no. The word no is relative. One person’s no is another’s persons yes. Someone’s mountain is someone else’s ant hill.

Follow the path and continue to achieve your goals even when they say no because soon they will be saying yes. I hope you continue to enjoy the AYD2015 series and I hope it continues to bless you.

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